Friday, August 14, 2009

Douchebag of the week

Well, it's been a tough week. More absurdity from last week's winner, Sarah Palin, made her a possible return engagement. The Beckster continues outrageous, but his sponsors are abandoning him in large numbers. The teabaggers have had their tongues out, lying about health care. Threatening signs, guns being carried to town halls. Prostitute toe sucker Dick Morris telling people to "terrorize" Democratic congressmembers. Would I have to buy a whole pack of Trojans for this bunch?

But no. It's U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA). This stolid fixture of the Senate sounded like a back-bench crazy when he told seniors they should be worried about "death panels." Great work, Chuck. Scare those old folks good. By the way, aren't you sort of elderly yourself? Why don't you just extend Senate health care to all elderly Iowans? Or have Aetna et al. just given you too much money? Are you shooting for "Palin/Grassley 2012"?

Chuck Grassley, the Douchebag of the Week! Your condom comes with Viagra!

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