Friday, July 31, 2009

Douchebag of the Weak

Sorry for the long absence. Your uncl has been busy.

Olbermann calls them "worst persons." O'Liely calls them "pinheads." I suffer from less censorship, but even I draw the line. I'm tempted to say "f*ckhead," but that would demean one of the great recreational acts of humanity.

This weak's (or week's) douchebag is Representative Eric Cantor, R-VA (or is that Whig-Transylvania?) for trying to get out from under his party's courting of the Obama birthers. He claims the "liberal media" is pushing the story. Oh, yeah, Eric? Is Lou "Adios, mojados" Dobbs a liberal? Is MSNBC owned by the Socialist Workers Party or by GE ("We bring good jet engines to death")? Poor Eric: his party is turning into tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy mongers all around him. What's a nice Jewish boy with a goober constituency to do? If nothing else, he gets rid of the anti-semitic contention that all Jews are smart.

Eric Cantor, the douchebag of the weak! Take your condom, son!


ArtfulG said...

David Schuster and Tamron Hall had a little fun with Eric's batshit crazy pal, Orly Taitz, today:

Good times!

evlunclbud said...

Yeah, I saw that. She's just too pathetic to be a douchebag. Still, it was fun to watch her self-destruct.