Monday, November 20, 2006

Charlie Rangel is right! Now let's go further.

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) has again proposed to reinstate the draft. It is of course a symbolic move with no chance of being sent to the president for a veto. Instead, it's a gut check: are we serious enough about this war to send our best and brightest? Or at least the most privileged?

Because this war has lasted as long as World War II, shouldn't we also have full mobilization? How about building Humvees and tanks in all that factory overcapacity we have? Why don't we give up our best natural and synthetic fabrics to the war materiel effort? Are we willing to give up shopping to really fight this war? How about burning less petrol? Will you give up your Suburban so an Iraqi family whose house was bombed can now live in it? And how about a higher tax rate so those kids who live through the war can have a real GI Bill?

If not--let's bring the boys and girls home. It's not cut and run when the alternative is stay and be slain.

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